Diskursu Diretor Jeral David Tomas de Deus iha Selebrasaun Loron Internasional Voluntariu

By Media DNICT 11 Desembru 2020, 13:41:35 TLs JUVENTUDE
Diskursu Diretor Jeral David Tomas de Deus iha Selebrasaun Loron Internasional Voluntariu

Fotografia : Diretór Jerál Juventude no Desportu iha Sekretaría Estadu Juventude no Desportu, David Tomas de Deus hato’o diskursu iha celebrasaun loron Internasional ba Voluntariu iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebé realiza iha salaun konferensia Tower, Fatuhada Dili (05/12/2020). Imajen/DNICT





Díli, 5 DEZEMBRU 2020


Sua Excellencia Eix Prezidente da Repúblika Timor-Leste no Ambassador Boa Vontade ba Voluntariu sira, Dr. José Ramos Horta

Sua Excellencia Koordenador Rezidente Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste, Mr. Roy Trivedy

Distintu Konvidadus, Señora no Señor sira,

Uluk nanain, ha’u hakarak lori Sua Excellencia Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Sr. Abrão Nokosiku Saldanha nia naran hato’o deskulpa tan nia labele mai hamutuk ho ita iha ne’e ohin. Hanesan itaboot sira hatene, dadauk ne’e Parlamentu Nasional debate hela Orsamentu Jeral Estatu ba tinan-2021, no debate ohin kona-ba Orsamentu Sekretaría Estadu Juventude no Desportu nian, tan ne’e nia tenki iha Parlamentu. Tamba ne’e mak ha’u hetan orientasaun hodi mai hato’o hela mensajen ida ne’e lori Sekretariu Estadu nia naran.

Excellencia sira,

Onra boot ita mai ha’u hodi bele mai partilla palku ho dignitariu sira iha ne’’e ohin, no sai sasin ba susesu iha selebrasaun Loron Internasional Voluntariu sira nian iha Timor-Leste. Ha’u hakarak atu agradese ema hotu ne’ebé mak serbisu maka’as tiha ona halo buat hotu atu garante katak selebrasaun ida ne’e susesu.

Liuliu, ha’u hakarak atu hato’o governu nia agradesimentu no votus de parabens ba voluntariu sira hotu, iha Timor-Leste no iha mundu tomak, ba sira nia dedikasaun no komitmentu tomak ba kauza nobre voluntarismu nian.

Iha Timor-Leste, mai ita fo obrigadu ba voluntariu sira ne’ebé mak serbisu maka’as lahatene kole hamutuk ho komunidade sira iha ita teritoriu laran tomak hasoru dezafiu oinoin ne’ebé ita nia rain hasoru nu’udar konsekuensia husi dezastre natural no mós situasaun krizi sanitariu global no mós krizi ekonomómiku ne’ebé mosu hanesan konsekuensia husi situasaun ida ne’e.

Ita hotu hanoin hetan, oinsa mak iha inisiu tinan ida ne’e komunidade sira rihun ba rihun iha Dili no iha munisipiu sira mak lakon sira nia hela fatin no sasan hotuhotu tamba mota lori nu’udar konsekuensia husi udan boot. Governu, ne’ebé la’o ho orsamentu duodésimu, halo serbisu maka’as tuir kbiit ne’ebé iha atu fo asistensia ba komunidade sira ne’ebé sofre konsekuensia husi dezastre natural ida ne’e.

Ita mós lembra, oinsa mak feto no mane sira voluntariamente tau hamutuk buat ne’ebé sira bele atu ajuda sira nia maluk komunidade sira ne’ebé mak presiza tulun. Pesoalmente, ha’u hare rasik voluntariu sira ne’e hola papel importante lós hodi ajuda sira nia maluk sira ne’ebé mak buka salvasaun no hela iha fatin lubuk ida iha Dili laran. Serbisu sira hamós sidade Dili hafoin dezastre ida ne’e mós lori ema hotu sai ba lurón no serbisu hamutuk, hahú husi estudante eskola sira, funsionariu governu nian to membru parlamentu no membru governu sira serbisu hamutuk hodi hamós Dili, ne’ebé lori loron balun.

Kuaze imediatamente hafoin situasaun ida ne’e, Timor-Leste ba hamutuk ho mundo tomak tama iha restrisaun ba movimentu ne’ebé impoin ho deklasaun Estadu de Emerjensia hanesan konsekuensia husi pandemia COVID-19. Ita haksolok no agradese tamba restrisaun sira ne’ebé mak Estadu impoin tulun hodi halo Timor-Leste sai nasaun ida hamutuk ho nasaun lubuk oan ida deit, ne’ebé la sofre maka’as moras COVID-19 to’o ohin loron.

Maske nune’e, hanesan nasaun illa kiik ida, Timor-Leste labele ses husi resesaun ekonómiku ne’ebé mak mosu nu’udar konsekuensia husi situasaun sanitaria global ida ne’e. Familia barak lakon sira nia rendimentu no tamba ne’e kuran aihan, ne’ebé mak halo susar liu tan ho difikuldade atu hatama aihan mai Timor-Leste tamba restrisaun iha rai seluk no problema koilleta iha rai laran. Nafatin, situasaun ida ne’e akontese wainhira governu funsiona deit orsamentu duodésimu.

Dala ida tan, ida ne’e lori ema feto no mane, labarik feto no mane rihun ba rihun ba lurón no hola asaun tan sira nia solidariedade ba sira nia maluk seluk ne’ebé mak presiza tebes ajuda atu ultrapasa krizi ida ne’e. Kameoneta, kareta no motorizada atus ba atus, se la’os rihun, mak tama sai komunidade sira iha terirotiu laran tomak atu fahe aihan hodi tulun komunidade sira ne’ebé mak presiza duni tulun.

Señora no Señor sira,

Ba voluntariu sira ne’e hotu, ha’u konvida ita hotu atu basa liman ida hodi apresia no rekoñese sira nia serbisu.

Distintu Konvidadus sira,

Señora no Señor sira,

Loron Internasional ba Voluntariu sira hamosu husi Asembleia Jeral Nasoins Unidas nian iha loron-5 fulan-Dezembru tinan-1985 ne’ebé mak dedika ba observasaun voluntarismu iha mundu rai klaran, enkoraja governu sira atu apoiu esforsu voluntariu sira no rekoñese valor voluntarismu no ninia kontribuisaun ba mundu nia dezenvolvimentu.

Ami hatene katak iha ámbitu selebrasaun loron internasional ba voluntariu sira tinan ida ne’e, iha diskusoins atu hare dalan sira ba harii eskema nasional voluntarismu iha Timor-Leste. Governu, liu husi Sekretaría Estadu Juventude no Desportu, iha interese boot ba kestaun ida ne’e no komprometidu atu hola parte ativamente iha dikusaun sira ne’e.

Governu hare katak iha oportunidade oinoin ba ida ne’e, no governu iha vontade atu serbisu hamutuk ho parseiru oinoin atu explora oportunidade sira ne’e. Governu konta ho organizasaun no inisiativa voluntariu oinoin ne’ebé existe iha rai laran no hanoin katak hamutuk, ita bele hetan eskema voluntariu ida diak, ne’ebé serve ba Timor-Leste nia kontekstu.

Ami hein atu serbisu hamutuk ho parseiru oinoin no stakeholder sira atu kontinua enkoraja no haburas voluntarismu iha sosiedade Timor-Leste nia leet, liuliu iha komunidade juventude sira nia leet.







Díli, 5 DECEMBER 2020


Your Excellency Former President of Republic of Timor-Leste and Goodwill Ambassador for Volunteers, Dr. José Ramos Horta

Your Excellency United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Roy Trivedy

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, let me take this opportunity to apologize on behalf of His Excellency Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Mr. Abrão Nokosiku Saldanha for not being with us here today. As you would know, the National Parliament is debating the State Budget for 2021 and it so happens that the budget for Secretariat of State for Youth and Sport is being debated and so he has to be at the Parliament. Thus, I am instructed to deliver a brief remarks on his behalf.


It is really a great honor for me to share this stage with the dignitaries here and to be able to witness the successful celebration of the International Volunteers Day in Timor-Leste. On this note, I wish to thank everyone who have worked tirelessly for all undertakings that ensure this celebration is a success.

In particular, I wish to convey the government’s gratitude and congratulations to all the volunteers, here in Timor-Leste and those around the world for their dedications and commitments to the noble cause of voluntarism.

In Timor-Leste, let us thank all the volunteers who have worked assiduously with and within our communities around the country facing the different challenges our country is facing as consequences of both natural disasters as well as global health crisis and the ensuing economic crisis.

We all recall, how at the beginning of this year, thousands of community members in Dili and in the districts who lost homes and other belongings washed away by floods brought about the heavy rain. The government, then operated without a State Budget, worked as hard as it could to assist the community members suffering consequences of this natural disaster.

We too remember how the men and women who volunteered putting together anything they could to assist their fellow community members who were in need. I personally witnessed how these volunteers had played a great role in assisting our fellow country men and women who were sheltered at the different safe grounds around Dili. The cleaning-up works in the wake of this disaster saw us all out in the streets working hand in hand, from school students, government officials, to members of parliament and government working together to clean the city of Dili which took days.

Almost immediately following this situation, Timor-Leste joined the rest of the world in going into lockdowns imposed by the declaration of State of Emergencies as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful that these restrictions imposed by the State has helped Timor-Leste to be among the very few countries in the world not to be hit hard by COVID-19 to date.

Nevertheless, as a small island country, Timor-Leste could not be so lucky in avoiding the global economic recession that was brought about by this global health situation. Many families lost their incomes and consequently suffered the lack of food, which was exacerbated by the lockdowns in other countries that hindered importation of food materials into the country as well as the domestic harvest problems. Still, this happened within the setting of the government functioned without a State Budget.

Again, this brough to the street thousands of men and women, boys and girls who acted out of solidarity with their fellow human beings who were in dire need of support to get them going through the crisis. Hundreds, if not thousands, of trucks, cars and motorbikes driving in and out of different communities around the country to deliver foodstuff to assist community members in need of assistance.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To those volunteers, I invite us all here today to put together our hands in appreciation and recognition of their works.

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The International Volunteers Day was mandated by the United Nations General Assembly on 5 December 1985 that is dedicated to the observance of voluntarism around the world, encouraging governments to support volunteer efforts and recognizing the value of voluntarism and its contribution to the world’s development.

We understand that in the context of this year’s international volunteer day’s celebrations, discussions are held to look into ways in which a national volunteer scheme is to be established in Timor-Leste. The government, thought the Secretariat of State for Youth and Sport, has a keen interest in this question and is committed to be an active part in this discussion.

The Government sees the existence of different opportunities to this end, and is willing to work together with different partners to explore those opportunities. The government is counting on the existing different volunteer organizations and initiatives around the country and is of the view that together we can find a good volunteer scheme that suits the context of Timor-Leste.

We look forward to working together with different partners and stakeholders to continue to encourage and fertilizing voluntarism in the Timorese society, in particular amongst our youth communities.


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